Stand with Nevadans for abortion rights! Join PPAMM in Reno to canvass for reproductive freedom. We are recruiting volunteers to join us for weekend trips to Northern Nevada to participate in door-to-door canvassing in support of the Nevada constitutional amendment to enshrine reproductive freedom in the state constitution.
Local Elections Matter
We say it all the time – LOCAL elections matter. Who represents us on the school board, on city council, on county boards and commissions, has the power to deny or expand services in our local communities.
The Fresno City Council overwhelmingly supports Planned Parenthood Mar Monte and voted to pass a $1,000,000 state budget allocation to support medical equipment and service expansion in Fresno. Then, Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer vetoed it. These funds are vitally needed now more than ever, and yet Mayor Dyer’s extremist politics would block people from getting the health care they need and deserve.
On September 1, the veto-proof council majority voted to override the Mayor’s veto!
Victories like this do not happen overnight. It takes strategic investment in candidates and our movement, year over year, to build the political environment to support patients and providers.
Help keep this momentum going to the election. Donate today so together we can build political power in every corner of our service area, up and down the ballot.
News and Events
Donate to our PAC
We Vote - Nosotros Votamos, a political action committee of Planned Parenthood Advocates Mar Monte, funds and works to elect officials — from local government to Congress — who advocate for access to quality reproductive health care regardless of a person's income or zip code.
Sign up for action alerts
We'll send you the latest info on how to take action and get involved.
We are outraged and are already fighting. The Supreme Court has taken away our right to abortion — taken away the power to control our own bodies and personal decisions and given it to politicians
Donate your time to a cause that matters!
Register to vote (NV)!
In Nevada, you can register in-person up to election day. Online registration is due earlier, so please register early!
Register to vote (CA)!
In California, registration deadlines vary by county. Be sure register early!
We need your support now more than ever! Donate to PAC, We Vote - Nosotros Votamos, today.
Information for Candidates
Candidate Questionnaires Now Available
For candidates running in the 2024 general election in the PPAMM service region, you can now submit your candidate questionnaire online. You can access the digital questionnaire, review the endorsement process, and contact our team for more information on our website here.
Contact Us
For any questions about our work, or if you're interested in collaboration, please email us at [email protected].