Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri challenge motives of drawn-out “extraordinary” session
Sarah Felts, Statewide Communications Coordinator
[email protected] | 314-531-7526 ext. 375
For Immediate Release: July 24, 2017
Unnecessary, expensive legislative session began more than six weeks ago
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - The Missouri Legislature will gavel back into an “extraordinary” session today to continue debating Senate Bill 5, which increases regulations on one of the safest, most regulated medical procedures in the state. M’Evie Mead, director of policy and organizing for Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri, released the following statement:
“Missouri’s elected leaders continue to spend taxpayer money funding a session to wedge themselves between women and their doctors, costing our state tens of thousands of dollars.
Our governor called on state agencies to cut red tape while he presses the Legislature to pass over 30 pages of new and unnecessary restrictions on abortion.
“This bill will politicize enforcement of abortion laws and create even more medically unnecessary restrictions on accessing safe, legal abortion. Senate Bill 5 will also undermine local control, stripping cities’ rights to protect citizens from discrimination and ensure safety at health centers that provide abortion and contraception.
“Medical experts testified that the restrictions proposed in SB 5 will do nothing to improve women’s health, but their arguments were summarily dismissed by politicians. Bill sponsor
Sen. Andrew Koenig even said he believed this law would likely prevent physicians from providing abortion outside of St. Louis. This special session is not about improving women’s health — it’s about restricting Missourians’ access to safe, legal abortion.
“The Legislature should adjourn this farce of a session immediately, and move onto important business for the people of Missouri – like expanding access to health coverage through Medicaid, lowering maternal and infant mortality rates, and raising wages in our state.”
Governor Greitens recently began a public engagement campaign called #NoMoRedTape, encouraging Missourians to help identify unnecessary government regulations. In light of Senate Bill 5’s many unnecessary government regulations, Planned Parenthood Advocates has launched #NoMoTRAPLaws to highlight that unnecessary abortion restrictions are red tape that harm Missourians.
Download this statement as a PDF.
Download Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri's SB 5 fact sheet.