The United States Senate rejected S. 2311, dangerous legislation that yet again seeks to insert politics into the doctor-patient relationship and deny health care to women. The reality is that abortion later in pregnancy is very rare and often happens under complex circumstances, the kind of situations where a woman and her doctor need to consider every medical option available. The following is a statement from Sarah Stoesz, President of the Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Action Fund (Action Fund).
“Today the United States Senate voted down a dangerous bill that could have seriously threatened the health and lives of women experiencing complicated pregnancies.
“As a health care provider, we’ve seen what happens when politicians interfere in these deeply personal medical decisions and tie doctors’ hands. In states that have passed laws like this, some women and their families have been put into unimaginable situations—needing to end a pregnancy for serious medical reasons—but unable to do so.
“This bill is part of a broader agenda by some politicians to ban abortion completely. That’s why we have to get every last voter to the polls in November. We must replace politicians that want to turn the clocks back on women with lawmakers who share our values.”
Founded in 1992, the Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Action Fund is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization. As the political arm of PPMNS, we mobilize supporters of all parties to defend and increase access to family planning services and fact based, medically accurate sexuality education. We work to inspire and engage citizens to take up the cause of reproductive health and rights through education, electoral activity, grassroots organizing and legislative advocacy.
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