Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood is working to break the GOP supermajority in the state legislature and help elect candidates who will support our reproductive rights and our freedom to make decisions about our own bodies. Join in our efforts every month during our Weekends of Action, where we're holding events all over the state to help get out the vote and flip crucial seats in our target Tennessee counties!
Friday September 20
Fridays By the River Voter Registration (Nashville)
African Street Festival Tabling (Nashville)
Raíz Canvassing (Smyrna)
Shelby County Canvassing (Memphis)
Saturday September 21
TAPP Phonebank (Virtual)
Deploy Davidson | Mobilize Montgomery / Rally for Allie (Clarksville)
African Street Festival Tabling (Nashville)
Rutherford County Canvassing (Murfreesboro)
Montgomery County Canvassing (Clarksville)
Shelby County Canvassing (Memphis)
Knox County Canvassing (Knoxville)
Sunday September 22
Shelby County Canvassing (Memphis)
African Street Festival Tabling (Nashville)
Tags: elections, Tennessee, candidates, reprorights, supermajority, tennessee legislature, 2024, repro