2022 Wisconsin Election
Voter Registration Deadline: Nov. 8
- By-mail and online registrations must be submitted by Oct. 19
- Voters may register after Oct. 19 in person, at their polling place
Voter ID required? Yes; see bringit.wi.gov
State election website: myvote.wi.gov/en-us
To Protect Abortion in November:
Mandela Barnes (D), Challenger
Wisconsin Lieutenant Gov. Barnes is an unapologetic champion for reproductive rights. If elected to the Senate, his vote would be crucial to the passage of a federal law to protect abortion access in all 50 states.
I am an only child, but I wasn’t my mother’s first pregnancy. She had a complicated pregnancy before me. And she made the decision to end that pregnancy. That was her choice and that’s a choice that should be available to every woman across the entire country.
Mandela Barnes, 7/22/2022
- Barnes pledges to support the Women’s Health Protection Act — a proposed federal law that would safeguard access to abortion across the country. “We have to … end the filibuster [and] codify the right to choose … into the law,” Barnes said in a July interview.
- Barnes condemned the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which ended federal constitutional protection for abortion. “I might not be here today if Roe v. Wade hadn’t allowed my mother to make the best decision for her health and safety,” he said. “This decision will punish women and cost people their lives.”
- Along with his pledge to restore and defend abortion rights, Barnes plans to ensure that people can readily access the full spectrum of reproductive health care: “Birth control should be free and widely accessible,” he says. (Twitter, 7/21/2022)
Ron Johnson (R), Incumbent
Johnson is an extremist who opposes abortion rights and has worked for years to overturn Roe v. Wade and strip Wisconsinites of their rights. He has repeatedly voted to block people’s access to essential health care by “defunding” Planned Parenthood.
I’m fully supportive of what the Supreme Court did [by overturning Roe v. Wade]. I obviously confirmed the justices that handed down that correct decision.
Ron Johnson, 7/13/2022
- Johnson has long fought to end abortion rights — and bragged about achieving that goal when the Supreme Court overturned Roe. When asked about what consequences ending the right to abortion would have for women’s health, Johnson was dismissive: “I think things would be just fine,” he said.
- Johnson has said, “if you don’t like [abortion laws in the state where you live], you can move.” But Johnson goes even further, saying he might support federal, nationwide abortion restrictions in the future.
- Johnson also rejects federal efforts to protect marriage equality — asserting that the Supreme Court’s 2015 recognition of marriage equality as a constitutional right was “wrongly decided.”
Register to vote — then make a plan to vote and stick to it.
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Paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes, 123 William St, NY NY 10038. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.