Planned Parenthood Votes Responds to RNC’s Plan to Double Down on Anti-Abortion Agenda in 2024
For Immediate Release: Jan. 30, 2023
Washington DC – Today, despite new data showing the sustained outrage over the Supreme Court overturning the federal right to an abortion, the Republican National Committee (RNC) passed a resolution to “go on offense in the 2024 election cycle" on abortion and "pass the strongest pro-life legislation possible.” Jenny Lawson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes, fired back on this extreme agenda:
“When will they learn? In 2022, voters resoundingly rejected anti-abortion politicians and made it clear that we do not want lawmakers controlling our bodies. Yet the RNC’s response is to double down and make a national abortion ban a part of the party platform. Every candidate will be held accountable to this out-of-touch agenda — Planned Parenthood political and advocacy organizations will make sure of it.”
Planned Parenthood Votes is an independent expenditure political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission.