Statement from Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates Executive Director, Laura Goodhue on today’s passage of SB 444 by the Senate Health Policy Committee:
Contact: Damien Filer / 850-212-1858
For Immediate Release: Nov. 7, 2017
“This legislation is purposely intended to restrict women’s access to the full range of health care services by quality providers.
“SB 444 would codify into law fake clinics that oppose abortion and judge, shame, and intentionally try to trick women out of getting the care they are seeking.
“These sham health clinics have been known to mislead, judge and shame women to prevent them from obtaining abortions. Worse yet, Crisis Pregnancy Centers are known to withhold essential, even life-saving, reproductive health information.
“Laws should not be introduced with the intention of shaming, coercing or judging a woman but rather they must be based on best health care policies and medical standards. Planned Parenthood will continue to oppose SB 444 and any other legislative efforts to legitimize these fake health clinics that risk the health care of women across the state.”