Statement on Demonstration at Anitere Flores Event
Contact: Damien Filer / 850-212-1858 / [email protected]
For Immediate Release: May 18, 2016 (Updated: May 18, 2016, 6:09 p.m.)
Statement of Laura Goodhue, Executive Director of the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, on demonstration at Anitere Flores event:
“Anitere Flores has perhaps done more than anyone to make accessing reproductive health care difficult or impossible for the women in Florida who need it most.”
“Year in and year out she has sponsored or supported legislation to restrict women’s access to care. She even sponsored an attempt to change our constitution so public employees couldn’t access abortion services through their health plans.”
“Voters rejected that cynical attack in historic numbers just as women across our state reject the omnibus legislation Flores supported this year that could deny everyone from Immokalee farm workers to Palm Beach teenagers access to the care and services they need.”