Planned Parenthood Joins Black Lives Matter of Louisville in Call for Resignation of Mayor Fischer
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, September 25, 2020
CONTACT: Nicole Erwin, [email protected], (502) 260-8678
For Immediate Release: Sept. 25, 2020 (Updated: Sept. 25, 2020, noon)
“We refuse to be silent or complicit to the injustices perpetrated by the City of Louisville in the name of white supremacy.”
LOUISVILLE, KY — On Friday, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana and Kentucky (PPAIK) joined Black Lives Matter of Louisville in calling for the resignation of Mayor Greg Fischer for his inability to respond to the demands of his constituents in bringing justice for Breonna Taylor, and stand up to the continued state-sanctioned violence practiced by the Louisville Metro Police Department. Tamarra Wieder, Kentucky State Director for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana and Kentucky (PPAIK) released the following statement on the failed actions of the city.
Statement from Tamarra Wieder, Kentucky State Director for PPAIK:
“Planned Parenthood stands with Black Lives Matter of Louisville in refusing to be silent or complicit to the injustices perpetrated by the City of Louisville in the name of white supremacy.
“Mayor Greg Fischer has refused the calls to action to transform the police and systems that have long created an unjust world for Black and Brown people. Instead of lifting up the voices of those protesting the injustices that violate a right to live freely without fear of violence of murder, you have barricaded city centers, blocked the streets and militarized a moment that affects us all—you have helped to make a war out of this movement instead of bringing justice and peace.
“Racism permeates every structure in our society. If Black people do not have the right to bodily autonomy to live their daily lives we can never achieve justice, let alone reproductive freedom.
“We want justice for Breonna Taylor. That begins with the demands laid before you by Black Lives Matter of Louisville. You have refused to act and you must go.”
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana and Kentucky (PPAIK) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to ensuring access to affordable reproductive health care, including abortion, by educating residents and policy-makers about issues affecting Hoosiers and Kentuckians. PPAIK lobbies and educates to advance Planned Parenthood’s mission and engages in limited electoral activities.