Omaha, Nebraska—Nebraska lawmakers today advanced a ban on gender affirming care for transgender youth in the state, passing it out of the first of three rounds of debate.
The gender affirming care ban, LB574, prohibits families of transgender youth from seeking medically-sound, affirming health care by punishing doctors who provide transgender youth under 19 with the health care they need.
“Gender affirming care is essential, life-saving health care that is supported by every credible medical organization in our country,” said Andi Curry Grubb, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska. “This dangerous ban is nothing but a power grab by politicians who want to have more control over our bodies than we do. Nebraska’s transgender and gender expansive youth deserve so much better. We want you to know that we see you. You are loved. And you are deserving of your bodily autonomy. We will stand beside you and fight this ban tooth and nail.”
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization. As the advocacy and electoral arm of PPNCS, we mobilize supporters of all parties to defend and increase access to family planning services and fact based, medically accurate sexuality education. We work to inspire and engage citizens to take up the cause of reproductive health and rights through education, electoral activity, grassroots organizing and legislative advocacy.