We work hard to elect pro-sexual and reproductive rights legislators up and down the ballot in Nebraska. With our supporters, we drive strategy, support policy, preempt attacks on sexual health, rights, and education, and endorse pro-sexual and reproductive health candidates for local and state offices.
It has been a busy few years since the 2016 election. With the help of our supporters, we:
- Stopped two anti-abortion bills.
- Helped put Medicaid Expansion on the 2018 ballot.
- Helped elect pro-choice champion Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh.
- Helped re-elected Republican pro-choice Senator John McCollister, and Democratic Senators Matt Hansen, Adam Morfeld, and Patty Pansing Brooks.
- Helped defeat Governor Pete Ricketts’ appointment and added three additional pro-sexual and reproductive health care votes to the legislature.
- Helped secure 133,000 signatures to qualify, and then ultimately pass, a referendum requiring the Nebraska Legislature to implement Medicaid Expansion, providing health insurance coverage to Nebraskans currently living in the Medicaid gap.
- We continue to advocate for legislation that would actually implement Medicaid expansion and create further transparency around the program (since, despite the referendum passing, Medicaid has yet to be expanded).
- Organized and won against the legislature’s proposed Planned Parenthood defund.
- Helped pass a bill Senator Sara Howard introduced on behalf of PPAN to include trichomoniasis to the STIs able to be treated via expedited partner therapy.
We cannot let up. The work continues. Join us. Sign up to be a volunteer with the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska today!
Tags: Election, Legislative, volunteer, legislature, nebraska