First Supreme Court Ruling Limiting Abortion Access Under New Conservative-Majority Makeup
The dangerous ruling makes abortion less accessible during a national public health crisis
SACRAMENTO – Jodi Hicks, President/CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC), issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s first ruling on abortion since the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.
Statement from Jodi Hicks, President/CEO, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California:
“It is unconscionable the U.S. Supreme Court would rule to enforce in-person requirements for medication abortion during a national public health crisis. Today’s 6-3 decision comes as the country witnesses COVID-19 take the lives of nearly 380,000 people, continuing to disproportionately impact Black and Brown communities.
“Even in California, abortion access is already out of reach for many because of centuries of underinvestment and the systemic inequities within our health care system. The first decision on abortion access from a newly conservative-majority court is a blatant attack upon critical health care services. And much still remains at stake with nearly 20 cases only one step away from this Supreme Court.
“What we’re witnessing now is the consequence of a rushed, partisan confirmation process by the U.S. Senate to confirm Justice Barrett to the Supreme Court only days before the 2020 election. The time is now — with a pro-sexual and reproductive health care federal administration and majorities in Congress— to undo the damage from the Trump administration. Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California call on the Biden-Harris administration to eliminate the in-person requirement for good in order to advance access to abortion services.
“It’s time to fight for policies that create a world in which we have full control over our health, our bodies, and our lives. As we near the Roe v. Wade 48th anniversary, more than ever, we must acknowledge the legal right to abortion isn’t enough. We need to protect expand access so that reproductive freedom is a reality for every person—and that starts with working to undo this dangerous decision.”
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC) is the state public policy office representing California’s seven separately incorporated Planned Parenthood affiliates. Through advocacy and electoral action, PPAC promotes sound public policy in areas of sexual and reproductive health care and sex education.