Planned Parenthood’s Statement on Recent Racist and Police Violence
Planned Parenthood’s Statement on Recent Racist and Police Violence
SACRAMENTO – Jodi Hicks, President/CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, issued the following statement in response to the murder of George Floyd and recent racist and police violence.
“The murder of George Floyd as a result of police brutality is inhumane and unacceptable. We at Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California are outraged by the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many other members of the Black community. We stand together with the victims of violence and those seeking justice through protests around our state and throughout the country.
“For more than 400 years, the systems that build and uphold our society have demonstrated a callous disregard for Black people’s humanity. Today, we are witnessing unspeakable violence and brutality before our very eyes. We know this state-sanctioned violence and murder is not new, but rather is more visible in the public view. We cannot turn away.
“Instead, we must speak out and hold our racist institutions accountable—not only in the actions of our police forces, but also in our workplaces, our schools, our public institutions and in our health care system. White supremacy and systemic racism permeate our society and continue to reverberate in the institutions we are a part of today. Until we force ourselves to examine and dismantle this foundation of inequality, our nation will continue to unjustly protect white communities while exposing Black communities to exploitation and violence.
“White supremacy is evident in the biases we hold, how we see Black people, and in the ways these biases violently manifest. We see it in the disparities within adequate health care access, even in the midst of a global pandemic. And we see it in the over-policing of Black bodies and the attacks upon bodily autonomy. For too long we have under-invested and under-resourced in Black communities—leading to decreased access to health care and dramatic health care disparities. There is no other conclusion: racism is a public health crisis and it must be addressed.
“We stand with those at the forefront of this fight for equity and justice. We stand with those protesting the violence against Black people and institutionalized racism in our country. To our Black patients, supporters, colleagues, and the Black community whose lives, health, and safety are constantly under attack, Planned Parenthood stands with you. And together, we demand justice. We demand accountability. We demand reform. We demand an end to the inequity that continues to permeate the lives of Black people in California and in America.”
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC) is the state public policy office representing California’s seven separately incorporated Planned Parenthood affiliates. Through advocacy and electoral action, PPAC promotes sound public policy in areas of sexual and reproductive health care and sex education.