Planned Parenthood of Northern New England’s extensive experience in providing community-based health care for more than 40 years informs Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund advocacy efforts. These efforts include advocating for changes in public policy, with a sharp focus on ensuring access to comprehensive, affordable reproductive health care for all.
Opposing Attacks on Women's Health
Women must be able to access health care without fear of violence, harassment, or intimidation. Young people must be able to get accurate information about their health and how to protect it. And women, men, and teens must able to make their own decisions about their health and their futures without government intrusion.
Anti-choice extremists do everything they can to prevent women and men from taking charge of their lives. If these radicals truly were concerned about women and families, they would work with Planned Parenthood to reduce unintended pregnancy in the first place by doing the only thing that works — increasing access to affordable birth control and comprehensive sex education.
Planned Parenthood believes every woman should have access to the full range of reproductive health care. Decisions about childbearing should be made between a women, her family, her doctor and her faith — not by the government.
Access to abortion is legal, constitutionally protected, and consistently supported by a majority of Granite Staters, and Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund is committed to protecting access to safe and legal abortions.
Birth Control and Other Preventive Care
Planned Parenthood believes that all people deserve access to preventive health care, including lifesaving breast and cervical cancer screenings, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and contraception. In fact, more than 90 percent of the care Planned Parenthood health centers offer nationwide is preventive, helping women and families make responsible decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, their lives, and their futures.
As the nation’s leading reproductive health care provider, educator, and advocate, Planned Parenthood is dedicated to ensuring access to quality, affordable, and culturally competent health care and information in order to build strong, healthy families and communities.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Planned Parenthood is working with the federal and state governments to ensure access to sex education programs that give young people the reliable, accurate information they need to make responsible decisions and stay healthy.
Did You Know?
- The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among the world’s developed nations. Here in New Hampshire, we consistently ranks last in unintended teen pregnancy.
- According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than three million teen girls have a sexually transmitted infection. That’s at least one in four.
- Half of sexually active young people in the U.S. will contract a sexually transmitted infection by age 25.