WE DECIDE 2020: Planned Parenthood Votes Launches Robust Electoral Program in New Hampshire
For Immediate Release: Oct. 1, 2020
CONCORD — Today, Planned Parenthood Votes officially launched its New Hampshire electoral program with digital ads supporting Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and Congressman Chris Pappas, as well as Executive Council candidates (District 1, District 5). As part of “We Decide 2020,” the $500,000, people-powered electoral program will elect champions for reproductive rights up and down the 2020 ballot. Planned Parenthood Votes in New Hampshire will be reaching voters through digital ads, direct mail, and a virtual direct voter contact program.
This program is particularly unique because it will focus heavily on the local New Hampshire Executive Council, which approves funding for reproductive care in the state and confirms judicial nominees who can shape the reproductive rights landscape of the Granite State. In recent years, some Council members have politicized access to health care by voting to defund Planned Parenthood of Northern New England health centers and attempting to push through a nominee for chief justice of the NH Supreme Court who is hostile to abortion rights.
Statement from Kayla Montgomery, Senior Director of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood NH Action Fund and Planned Parenthood Votes NH Spokesperson:
“The stakes for Granite Staters’ reproductive health care have never been higher. For years, we’ve watched legislators continue to attack sexual and reproductive rights in New Hampshire, including introducing bills to ban or restrict access to safe, legal abortion care. But we’ve fought back every step of the way. And this November, Planned Parenthood Votes will be taking that fight to the ballot box.”
As the country grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, Planned Parenthood Votes will be running an innovative program with an emphasis on outreach that keeps volunteers and voters safe. We Decide 2020 is the largest electoral program ever for Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations. From now until election day, Planned Parenthood Votes in New Hampshire will be mobilizing our supporters to vote for champions for reproductive rights, and build on their power for the upcoming election.
In New Hampshire, 64 percent of people believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases, and nationwide support for abortion access is at an all-time high. In both the 2018 and 2019 elections, voters overwhelmingly elected reproductive health champions, and soundly rejected the attacks from politicians who oppose abortion. For a fact sheet with more details on why supporting abortion is a winning political issue, click here.
Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund ran an aggressive electoral campaign in 2018 educating voters about the candidates and those voters elected an all pro-reproductive health delegation to U.S. Congress and pro-reproductive health majorities in the New Hampshire legislature and Executive Council. This electoral campaign will be even bigger: Planned Parenthood Votes plans to contact nearly 300,000 voters across the Granite State educating them on the importance of reelecting Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Congressman Chris Pappas to Congress and electing a pro-reproductive health majority on the Executive Council.
From now until Election Day, Planned Parenthood Votes will be working to ensure Granite Staters turn out in force at the ballot box to support reproductive rights champions.
Planned Parenthood Votes is an independent expenditure political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission.
Paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes, 123 William St, NY NY 10028. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |