Harsh Anti-Choice Bill Dies In Colorado Senate
Contact: For media inquiries, 303-359-8519
For Immediate Release: April 13, 2017 (Updated: April 13, 2017, noon)
Statement from Sarah Taylor-Nanista, VP Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado
The Colorado Senate today voted down a proposed law(SB 17-284) that would have incorporated several horrible provisions that would interfere with a woman’s relationship with her doctor, in her medical best interests. The bill was defeated in a bipartisan voted, with Sen. Don Coram and Sen. Beth Martinez-Humenik voting with the Democrats.
Planned Parenthood is glad to see the measure defeated, but the fact that it got to the Senate floor shows there is still an extreme faction in the Senate that is out of step with everyday Coloradans’ lives.
Under the façade of offering “more information” to pregnant patients, the bill would have made it mandatory for doctors to describe in extreme and unnecessary detail their pregnancy's ultrasound, whether or not it was appropriate for the patient. Isn’t that really the ultimate in government over-regulation? There were a number of awful proposals in the bill that would interfere with women’s health issues, none of which are medically necessary or scientifically supported.
Planned Parenthood strongly opposes bills such as these which really are about shaming women and scaring doctors."