West Virginia: Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic Announces General Election Endorsements
Contact: Molly Rivera, [email protected] or (919) 438-1109
For Immediate Release: Aug. 12, 2020 (Updated: Aug. 12, 2020, 2:38 p.m.)
Charleston, W.V. — Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic (PPVSAT), the separately incorporated political arm of the reproductive health nonprofit, announced today a slate of endorsed candidates in West Virginia’s 2020 general election.
The organization's list of pro-reproductive health candidates includes Sam Petsonk for attorney general, 11 candidates for the House of Delegates, and two candidates for the West Virginia Senate.
"This election will be critical in the fight to protect access to basic reproductive health care and the constitutional right to bodily autonomy,” said Alisa Clements, West Virginia Director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic. “We are proud to add Pete Dougherty, Robin Wilson, and JR Wolfe to our slate of endorsed candidates. They join a group of strong champions for affordable health care who have pledged or proven their commitment to stand up for a person’s personal pregnancy decisions and access to reproductive health care.”
This is the second round of endorsements made by PPVSAT in the 2020 election cycle in West Virginia. After the primary, PPVSAT endorsed an additional candidate for West Virginia’s House of Delegates and two candidates for the Senate.
The complete list of PPVSAT's endorsed candidates in West Virginia can be viewed here: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-votes-south-atlantic/legislative-updates/west-virginia-updates/west-virginia-endorsed-candidates