Button and I were really happy that Pat decided to walk with us. We were walking 12 miles from Ozone Falls to Rockwood. We finally crossed over to Eastern Standard Time.
I had the sweetest birthday! Karen Edwards owns a farm and home for Golden Retrievers and she and her husband hosted us. I got to play with seven Golden Retrievers for my birthday. Button got me a yummy vegan cheesecake. It had been so long since I had cooked a meal, so I enjoyed making dinner while watching a series about the NXIVM cult in The Vow. My idea of a fun time!
After the cult of Trump-personality, Qanon and pizzagate, I’m fascinated about how good-natured people can be wooed by a sense of belonging and ego-identification, in order to be manipulated by a greedy leader. At a time where everyone’s sense of reality is individualized through technology, the concept of bodily autonomy is paramount to building community around real lived experiences. Our bodies are a source of knowing and must be protected from government interference.