Laura and I started off this journey with Bo in West Tennessee, so it is fitting that Bo met back up with us for this final leg of the walk. We departed from rainy Greeneville and walked 12 miles to Chuckey. It would have felt like we had cheated if the weather had been perfectly dry and crisp the entire walk across the state, so it was a good thing that it became rainy and cold for this last stretch. What’s a pilgrimage without a little hardship?
Professor Stacey Williams at ETSU was helping organize our grand finale event planned for our final destination in Johnson City. It was hard to believe that the end of this walk was near. Stacey helped us find and connect with Dr. Audrey Depelteau, Director of East Tennessee State University Innovation Lab, to help navigate us from Greeneville.
We were joined by volunteer driver, Audrey Depelteau.
While we walked on the road with Audrey trailing us, I made a pit stop at a convenience store. And guess what I found?!
The meeting I had with Darrell Key at the beauty shop got covered in the Greeneville Sun.
After such a wet, cold day, we were all stoked to get our campsite set up at the Campground at David Crockett Birthplace. My highlight was snuggling with my dog, Bodhisattva, to stay warm in the campervan.
The next day was our last long day, and it was cold and rainy.
At the end of the day, we enjoyed a scrumptious meal at Susan Lachman’s home. Susan and I are cut from the same cloth. She played a crystal singing bowl for us, and we all relaxed and enjoyed an evening discussing the importance of creativity and artistic expression in the movement.
Stacey Williams, Beth Barber, Audrey, me and Susan.
Susan Lachman and her quiche!
Queens of the Wild Frontier