Phew! We made it. We had a short day walking from Jonesborough to Johnson City. We had a crew of folks that joined us: Karen Brinker came back for the end; My daughter Eliza Deshon and her boyfriend Gabe Carson; Julie Edwards came from Nashville; and Aerris Newton joined back up with us from Memphis.
Stacey Williams worked with Nancy Fischman who offered the Fischman Gallery for our closing event. Several guests attended, many of whom I hadn’t met before. I loved seeing the handmade signs, the personalized cake, and the musicians greeting us.
Aerris, Julie (and Audrey) support volunteers along the walk in the bitter cold.
All the walkers arrive at the Fischman Gallery. Julie and Aerris greet Button and me with flowers and hugs.
Our journey's conclusion carried with it a poignant blend of emotions, leaving us with the realization that fully comprehending the profound significance of championing bodily autonomy throughout the entire state remains an elusive endeavor. This pilgrimage, a testament to our deep affection for Tennessee, its inhabitants, its landscapes, its flowing waters, and whispering winds, bore witness to the sacred nature of our bodies. In my heart, these facets coalesce into a harmonious whole, and alongside Planned Parenthood, I stand resolute in our shared commitment to champion the rights and liberties of every Tennessean, nurturing and expanding them with unwavering dedication.