Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona Launch Largest-Ever Electoral Program with Key Investments in Arizona
For Immediate Release: Oct. 10, 2019
Planned Parenthood Votes announce historic investment of at least $45 million in key battleground states like Arizona to win elections up and down the ballot in 2020
PHOENIX, AZ —Today, Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona announced the launch of the organization’s largest-ever electoral program, including major investments in Arizona to help reproductive rights champions win elections up and down the ballot in 2020.
Planned Parenthood’s advocacy and political organizations will fund large-scale grassroots organizing programs and targeted canvass, digital, television, radio and mail program to elect reproductive rights champions and stop the Trump’s administration’s anti-health care agenda in its tracks. Arizona is one of several early battleground states critical to flipping the United States Senate and building power in the state legislature. In addition to Arizona the initial battleground states include Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Statement from Lola Sophia Bovell, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona:
“Community organizing in recent years has proven that Arizonans are boldly using their voices and their votes to shift power. Together we are demanding that the right to health care, education, economic opportunity, thriving and sustainable environments, and social justice be recognized. From the successful fight to oust Sheriff Joe Arpaio to taking over the Arizona State Capitol for Women’s Marches, Red for Ed, and many other critical movement actions, we know that Arizonans are demanding that elected leadership champion equity and work towards an Arizona where everyone gets the information they need, the health care they seek, and the agency to live healthy, empowered lives.
The stakes couldn’t be higher in 2020 — and Arizona will be leading the charge on electing champions for reproductive freedom up and down the ballot. The majority of Americans have made it clear that they don’t want attacks on our access to birth control, cancer screenings, sex education, abortion access, and more, and they’ll be delivering that message at the ballot box on Election Day. Today, we’re putting Trump and his buddies in Congress and in state legislatures on notice: We’re voting you out.”
Against the wishes of the American people, reproductive freedom and rights hang in the balance like never before. Last week, the Supreme Court announced it would take up the first abortion case since Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, a decision that could defy precedent and make the protections of Roe virtually meaningless. And destructive policies from the Trump Administration and Republican politicians in Congress and across the country aim to end access to birth control and safe, legal abortion care for millions of people.
To fight back against these dangerous attacks, Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations will run one of the largest persuasion field programs in the nation, reaching at least 5 million voters by Election Day. Organizers will work extensively to mobilize communities that have been disproportionately targeted by the Trump administration’s anti-health care policies, including Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+, youth, and low wage-earning voters. Over the span of a decade, Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations have invested in year-round organizing programs that prioritize voters of color and young people, and builds authentic partnerships with communities to empower them to take ownership of their own health and reproductive freedom. Organizers will also reach swing voters in battleground states like Arizona who align with the majority of Americans in supporting access to safe, legal abortion.
Background: Reproductive health is a top issue for voters in the 2020 election--and a winning issue for candidates.
- A record-high 77 percent of Americans say they do not want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, and there is no state in this country where banning abortion is popular.
- Recent polling showed that voters in Arizona, Colorado and key swing Congressional districts nationwide oppose the Trump administration’s Title X gag rule, and are less likely to support legislators that don’t act to reverse it.
- A CNN poll of likely Iowa Democratic caucus participants showed that support for abortion rights is the top issue for voters — 8 in 10 voters called it a “must have,” including 85% of women.
Planned Parenthood ‘s advocacy and political arm in Arizona, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona (PPAA), is the state’s largest nonpartisan advocacy organization dedicated to protecting access to reproductive health care. PPAA is fighting for every person’s freedom and right to make reproductive choices, enjoy sexual health and wellbeing, and build healthy, strong families.