Senate Republicans Choose Politics Over Health Care
For Immediate Release: June 11, 2019 (Updated: June 5, 2019, 6:45 p.m.)
Today, Senate Republicans chose to prioritize spreading misinformation and scoring political points over spending time on substantive legislation when they passed four bills targeting women’s health.
Statement from Mel Barnes, Legal and Policy Director at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin:
“These bills are filled with inflammatory claims that are meant to politicize health care and health care providers. Let me be clear, the politicians who are pushing these bills are the same politicians who want to criminalize all abortion care at any stage of pregnancy. These bills do nothing to protect women and families in Wisconsin.
“Our legislators have an opportunity to actually improve health outcomes for women and children in Wisconsin by supporting Gov. Evers plan to accept federal funds to expand Medicaid and invest in vital public health programs like his Healthy Women, Healthy Babies initiative.”
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin is the advocacy arm of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. PPAWI engages in legislative and educational activity and works to elect candidates to office that support these goals.