It's time to trust young people to make their own decisions.
It’s time to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act.
Call Your State Legislator
PNA is an unnecessary law that puts young people in danger and interferes with their access to time-sensitive health care—and it must be repealed. Call your representatives and urge them to repeal PNA today.
What is the PNA?
The Parental Notice of Abortion Act requires a health care provider to notify an adult family member (parent, legal guardian, grandparent, of step-parent living in the household) at least 48 hours prior to performing an abortion for a patient under 18. The Act allows for a judicial bypass for those who cannot notify an adult family member.
Decades of research and experience demonstrate that laws like this hurt young people and serve no valid purpose.
Email Your State Legislator
Email your state legislator today and ask them to support PNA Repeal. It’s time we trust ALL people to make their own decisions about if and when to become a parent.