Generation Action
Generation Action is a national Planned Parenthood program connecting college students with their local PP affiliate. This is a way for the Planned Parenthood Maine Action Team to work with you to make your campus the safest place it can be for all students. Our Generation Action clubs are groups of passionate, dedicated activists working to improve access to sexual and reproductive health services and meaningful education on their campuses and in their communities. These clubs work with our organizing team on national, state, local, and campus projects.
Generation Action clubs in Maine
We have nine chapters across the state that have taken on a variety of different projects.
- Bowdoin College
- Bates College
- Colby College
- University of Maine Orono
- University of Southern Maine
- Maine College of Art
- College of the Atlantic
- Southern Maine Community College
- University of New England
Send a message to [email protected] if you're interested in starting a Generation Action club at your school.
Our Projects
Our Generation Action students have worked on a range of projects, including leading a campaign to change a Maine law to allow the sale of nonprescription drugs on college campuses. The law passed in 2019, allowing campuses to have vending machines with necessary medications like Emergency Contraception, cold medicine, allergy medicine, and ibuprofen. Some campuses have worked to implement mandatory pronoun trainings for professors or created school policy to provide free menstrual products in all campus bathrooms. Others have created a website with information on all the local health care and political resources. Whether you want to work on a campus, local, state, or national project, our organizing team is ready to help you and your Generation Action teammates make it happen.