First Circuit Decision Protecting Patient Safety Stands
For Immediate Release: April 16, 2018 (Updated: April 16, 2018, 8:35 p.m.)
Noise ordinance protects patients seeking care at Planned Parenthood
With the US Supreme Court’s refusal to consider a challenge of Maine’s noise ordinance, the lower court’s ruling preventing protesters from interfere with the delivery of health care at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England’s health centers stands.
“Today’s announcement makes it clear that patients have the right to get care without the interruption of protesters,” said Nicole Clegg, Vice President of Public Policy for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. “Once our patients walk through the doors of our health center they are entitled to care without harassment and intimidation shouted from the street below. Our patients have a right to a safe, calm environment when seeking medical treatment and the First Circuit’s decision makes that point clear. Today, like every day, we will focus on what we do best, providing high quality healthcare to the people of Maine.”
Protesters use a variety of tactics intended to intimidate and interfere with a woman’s ability to access reproductive health care. In Portland, they often form a gauntlet along line the sidewalks outside the health center creating an environment that is upsetting and stressful for patients. Protesters will follow pedestrians down the sidewalk, photograph people and shout loudly at the windows of the health center to disrupt the delivery of health care. PPNNE works with the Portland Police Department and maintains a volunteer greeter program to ensure the safe and supportive access to the health center.
“Patient safety is our number one priority and we will continue to do everything we can to make sure Maine people can access the care they need free of harassment and intimidation from a few extremists. We appreciate the perseverance of the Attorney General’s office and the Portland Police Department for upholding the law and helping ensure the safety of patients and staff,” said Clegg.