Planned Parenthood Votes Releases First Digital Ads in Pennsylvania on Boosting Biden and Harris
For Immediate Release: Sept. 28, 2020 (Updated: Oct. 1, 2020, 2:21 p.m.)
New ads, “Legacy,” “Protect Our Rights,” and “Right Choice” highlight Biden and Harris’ pledge to protect reproductive rights and what’s at stake in the 2020 election
Harrisburg, PA— Today, Planned Parenthood Votes announced the launch of its first digital video advertisements in Pennsylvania, highlighting why former Scranton-native Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris are the right choice to ensure reproductive rights are protected, and what is at stake if Donald Trump is allowed to ram through a Supreme Court nominee hostile to reproductive freedom.
The new advertisements, “Our Rights” and “The Right Choice,” focus on statements made by both Biden and Harris during the 2019 campaign season, as well as highlighting their empathy, honesty, and commitment to protecting reproductive freedoms and ensuring access to health care.
“Legacy,” sounds the alarm to voters that as Trump rushes to fill Justice Ginsburg’s seat before the 2021 inauguration, the consequences of his presidency and his actions extend to civil rights, environmental protections, and access to health care, including abortion.
Watch “Legacy”
Watch “Biden and Harris Will Protect Our Rights”
Watch “Biden and Harris are the Right Choice”
Statement from Emily Callen, Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates Executive Director
“With less than 40 days until election day, voters in Pennsylvania will soon receive their mail-in ballots and make their voices heard. Now more than ever, it’s clear that our health, rights, and futures are on the ballot this November. We know that more than 77 percent of Americans support access to safe and legal abortion in addition to overwhelming support for affordable health care. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the right choice for Pennsylvania families because they are committed to expanding health care access for all.
Meanwhile, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell scramble to fill the seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Together, we are honoring her legacy, taking up her fight, and letting senators know that if they rush to fill this seat there will be consequences.”
The digital advertisements are part of Planned Parenthood Votes’ $1.25 million investment in Pennsylvania. The electoral program, announced in July, will contact voters to elect Joe Biden and other reproductive rights champions including Emily Skopov, Michelle Knoll, Brittney Rodas, Lindsay Drew, Jennifer O’Mara, Kristine Howard, John Kane, George Scott, Pam Iovino, Christina Finello, and Eugene Depasquale in Pennsylvania. It will also help people get involved in further outreach in support of these champions and build on its power for the upcoming election.
An American icon.
A champion of women’s rights.
Donald Trump wants to replace her with another Supreme Court justice before the election, against her dying wish.
Threatening coverage for preexisting conditions and reproductive freedom, just like he said he would.
We can’t let it happen. Not to her legacy. Not to her seat. Not to our health. Not now. Not ever.
Take action. Vote.
“Protect Our Rights”
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will protect reproductive rights.
“It is her body. It is her right. It is her decision.” (Kamala Harris, Oct. 15, 2019)
“Reproductive rights are a constitutional right. And, in fact, every woman should have that right.” (Joe Biden, Oct. 15, 2019)
Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
“The Right Choice”
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the right choice.
They will: Defend our rights Champion our freedoms,
Listen and tell the truth,
Put our health and safety first,
All with care and compassion.
Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Planned Parenthood Votes is an independent expenditure political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission.
Paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes, 123 William St, NY NY 10028. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |