Atticus's Story
Reproductive freedom means not only having access to important resources, but having a working knowledge of what those resources are. Access to legal and safe abortion is important for when that’s necessary, but we also need the education piece. We need to have comprehensive sex-ed in the U.S. so people can have a better understanding of their body.
I am gay, I have always been gay. When I was younger and was taught about sex and sexuality, I wasn’t taught that being gay or lesbian was even a choice. I thought I had to have sex with men, and I had a lot of really unpleasant experiences because of that. If I had had better education about sexual representation this would be different.
I have a lot of friends that are transgender, and they go to Planned Parenthood for their care and hormones. That is really important to me. It’s not a cosmetic procedure, it’s a life-saving procedure. Asking a man to carry a baby is insane. The suicide rate, and homicide rate, is so high for trans people. When I think about my friends having access to Planned Parenthood care, I feel relief. Relief in a large vacuum of fear. I live in almost perpetual fear for the lives of my friends who are trans.
It is important that reproductive freedom is ensured by Vermont constitution because it will save lives. It will prevent suicide. People will resort to other measures if they don’t have access and aren’t able to be in the right environment to have a child.