Austin's Story
The right to decide what to do with your own body is an inalienable right. It’s a fundamental right. When a woman gets pregnant, it is she who carries the child, it is she who chooses what is best for her body and life. The body is the common denominator in the human race and its autonomy is essential to democracy, to freedom. The right to decide what to do with your own body, to choose your future, is arguably a fundamental right. If you don’t have a right to your own body, then what other rights can be taken away? If we infringe upon reproductive rights, upon bodily autonomy, then what democracy are we living in?
Yes, it’s happened to me. We talked about birth control; we had only been together a few months. To be honest, I think I kind of assumed she was on birth control. We did talk about it and then we continued to have unprotected sex. All the rest happened without me knowing- she didn’t tell me she got pregnant, she didn’t tell me anything until after she’d had the abortion. It strained our relationship. I guess, I wish I could have known, to support her. It affected our relationship to have something so substantial happen and for me to be uninvolved. However, I’m so glad the option existed and know that it was ultimately her choice. Likewise, I couldn’t have afforded a child. I wouldn’t be in law school now and she wouldn’t be successful either. It makes me feel uneasy when I think about it, but it’s just that: uneasy. I didn’t have to face the physical burden, the emotional decision, or the consequences in the way that she did.