In a debate between the candidates running in House District 65, PPAV endorsed canidate Joshua Cole showed his support for reproductive rights, while his opponent, Peters, exposed his extreme views.
Cole Sets the Stage
Joshua Cole opened the debate by telling his personal story as the son of a single mother, a pastor, father, and public servant who was born and raised in Stafford County. He shared his successes in the General Assembly and set the stage for a debate and race centered around abortion and women's rights.
Peters Defends Abortion Bans, Saying Not Everyone Is Worried About Women’s Rights
Refusing to answer a question from the moderators about what his top priority in office would be, Peters pivoted to defending abortion bans. He even said, “Everybody is not concerned or worried about women’s rights.”
Peters Embraces Abortion Ban
The debate pit a pro-choice champion against an anti-choice yes-man in a race that may well determine the balance of the legislature—and the Republicans’ ability to ban abortion. For the first time, Republican Lee Peters went on the record with his anti-abortion stance, a stance that is deeply out of touch with the voters he’s seeking to represent.
Cole Defends the Freedom to Choose
In the face of Peters’ support for an abortion ban, Cole named defending the freedom to choose as his top priority. Cole’s unequivocal opposition to abortion bans stood in stark contrast with Peters’ obedience to the extremist leaders of his party.
Lee Peters Admits to Being Handpicked Candidate by Extremist GOP Twice
Lee Peters admits to being the handpicked candidate of extreme GOP leadership - twice. He’s received $75,000 from Republican Speaker Todd Gilbert who has voted against abortion 40+ times.
Cole Commits to HD-65
Joshua Cole closes the debate by highlighting what the stakes are of this election. From the economy to public education to women's rights, Cole lays out his positive, hopeful vision for the region.