Access to safe abortion is legal, constitutionally protected, and consistently supported by a majority of Americans; yet anti-reproductive health policymakers have made it increasingly hard to access through court battles, ballot measures, and burdensome legislative restrictions on abortion services. Some extremists even resort to intimidation, harassment, and violence against patients and health care providers.
Today, Americans face unprecedented attacks on their constitutional right to safe and legal abortion. In 2019, a slew of states passed bills to fully ban abortion. Even in Minnesota, anti-abortion lawmakers tried to ban abortion in 2019. While courts have prevented all of the abortion bans from going into effect, we also know that the right to access abortion is under threat with a new conservative U.S. Supreme Court.
And all of these restrictions have been enacted despite the fact that abortion rates are at a historic low and 7 in 10 Americans support Roe v. Wade, the 47-year-old Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the right to safe, legal abortion.
We are committed to fighting these efforts on every level. From courthouses to statehouses to Capitol Hill to the grassroots—we work to protect access to reproductive health care through education of elected officials, litigation, and mobilization of more than seven million activists, donors, supporters, and patients.
Planned Parenthood is proud to provide expert, high quality care—including abortion—and to ensure that patients receive accurate information about all of their options in a judgement-free setting in order to make their own, fully informed health care decisions.
Abortion in Minnesota
Attempts to restrict and even ban abortion at the state level are part of an ongoing effort to deny people their right to make their own personal medical decisions.
Currently, there are laws in Minnesota that place medically unnecessary burdens on a person seeking an abortion. These restrictions include:
- 24-hour waiting period: A patient must receive state-directed counseling and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided.
- Parental notification: The parents of a minor must be notified before an abortion is provided.
- State-mandated counseling: A patient must receive counseling designed to discourage them from having an abortion before the procedure will be provided.
And anti-abortion legislators want to restrict access to abortion even more. Every year, anti-choice legislators in Minnesota introduce and pass laws that restrict access to abortion. In 2019, a bill to fully ban abortion almost passed the Minnesota House of Representatives. We need to do everything we can to protect reproductive health care, including abortion, from anti-abortion extremists in the Minnesota legislature.