High-quality, affordable health care for all: That’s what we believe in and it's why we fight for patients every day.
But right now, instead of helping people, politicians in Texas are playing with people's lives by litigating a case that falsely accuses Planned Parenthood of Medicaid fraud.
The goal of the case is to shut down Planned Parenthood in Texas and nationwide — all in pursuit of a cruel political agenda. Planned Parenthood did not commit fraud. Period.
We’ll never back down — are you with us?
Texas lawmakers want to block health care from people already struggling to get it and shut Planned Parenthood down — here’s what you should know about this meritless case and what’s at stake.
What does Planned Parenthood mean to you?
Everyone deserves access to the care they need. This baseless lawsuit threatens to strip millions of patients — in Texas and beyond — of critical services like cancer screenings, gender affirming care, birth control, and other essential health services (Texas has already banned abortion care). Sexual and reproductive health is health care. Our stories show just how normal it is — and sharing them is a powerful way to advocate for the care all people deserve. No matter what.
Read these patients' stories to understand, learn, be inspired — and get involved.
A few years ago, I was between jobs and without insurance. I always thought that Planned Parenthood was just for pregnant women. It's not. I was able to go in and get medical care. Turns out I had an STI and was able to get antibiotics. Had this resource not been available, the infection could have gotten really serious and even killed me. Planned Parenthood is vital to our communities, for so much more than the general public even realizes.
I went to my local Planned Parenthood to get on the birth control pill before my then-boyfriend-now-husband had any sexual contact.
We were both in high school and we skipped the day of school. My boyfriend paid for my visit and we went out for lunch.
Accessing birth control was the difference between being able to attend college classes or having to write emails to professors apologizing because I was sick. Literally sick. Because everyone's period is different. And for some of us, that means pain, illness, and incapacitation. Birth control allowed me to stop missing class and get a college degree. Birth control is helping me get a masters. Attacking women's health care access is attacking women, period.
I drove two of my roommates to abortion and from clinics in college.
They were grateful to have the choice. They are also both mothers now.
Why have you taken this safe and healthy choice away from us?
I went to Planned Parenthood as a broke college student with no insurance. I got a well woman exam, STD testing and birth control when I couldn't afford it any other way…
I am now a school teacher. I am married to a wonderful man with 3 beautiful children. I was able to have my children at a time when I was ready to take care of them. I was able to PLAN when I became a parent.
I have always said that Planned Parenthood saved my life! While getting a Pap smear ...as a young teenager, a test showed an abnormality. I was able to get treatment. I am over 40 now, and the rest of my Pap smears have been normal. I never faced judgment while going to Planned Parenthood. I was a teenager engaging in risky behavior but Planned Parenthood is the reason why I made it to middle age.
What's your story?
Share your story to motivate others, break stigma, and tell lawmakers your body is your own. Sexual and reproductive care is essential for all.