Planned Parenthood Action Fund Endorses Reproductive Health Champions Rep. Katherine Clark and Rep. Ayanna Pressley for Re-election to the U.S House
For Immediate Release: Oct. 15, 2019
BOSTON — Planned Parenthood Action Fund has endorsed Rep. Katherine Clark and Rep. Ayanna Pressley to protect the health and rights of the people of Massachusetts. These endorsements are part of the Action Fund’s largest-ever endorsement wave of federal candidates committed to reproductive health and rights around the country.
Statement from Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, President of the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts:
“We are thrilled with Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s endorsements of Representative Clark and Representative Pressley. People across Massachusetts want their elected officials to stand up to the Trump administration’s attacks that put our health, rights, and freedoms at risk. That’s exactly what Representatives Clark and Pressley have done and will continue to do in Congress. More than 30,000 patients rely on Planned Parenthood health centers for reproductive health care in Massachusetts every year, and we need champions like Representatives Clark and Pressley to fight for access to this vital care.”
Both Representative Clark and Representative Pressley are vocal champions for reproductive freedoms and are leading the way to improve health care access for all people. Both have a 100 percent rating on the Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s Congressional Scorecard, and both are original cosponsors of the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH) Woman Act. The EACH Woman Act would help ensure that women across the country can access abortion with insurance coverage and end the harmful and discriminatory ban on federal insurance coverage for abortion, known as the Hyde Amendment.
This announcement marks the beginning of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s endorsements in 2020 federal electoral races — with many more to come.
This year, 27 abortion bans have been passed in states across the country, meaning people must cross state lines or face long wait times to access basic care. In 2018, the American people sent more women and women of color to Congress than ever before, flipping the House of Representatives to a clear pro-reproductive health majority. In 2020, voters have a clear opportunity to flip the Senate and have a full Congress that will protect people’s health and rights.