Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund Endorses Boston City Council Candidates
Johanna Kaiser, [email protected], 617-515-0531
For Immediate Release: Aug. 16, 2017 (Updated: Aug. 16, 2017, 1:37 p.m.)
BOSTON—The Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts (PPAF) endorsed a slate of Boston City Council candidates who champion smart sexual and reproductive health policies that empower residents to stay healthy and build strong, thriving communities.
PPAF endorsed City Councilors At-Large Michael Flaherty, Annissa Essaibi George, Ayanna Pressley and Michelle Wu, and City Councilors Andrea Campbell (District 4), Matt O’Malley (District 6), Josh Zakim (District 8), and Mark Ciommo (District 9). PPAF endorsed Lydia Edwards in the preliminary election to succeed Councilor Sal LaMattina in District 1 and Mike Kelley to succeed Bill Linehan in District 2.
We are at a pivotal time in our country that demands we have local and vocal champions who are committed to implementing proactive policies that expand access to health care and help women and families lead healthy, fulfilling lives. The people of Boston have been fortunate to have a growing number of local leaders who support smart sexual and reproductive health policies as a way to improve our city’s health as a whole. This election is an opportunity to expand that support and commitment on the Boston City Council.
- Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, President of PPAF
Each of the candidates endorsed by PPAF understands that access to health care, comprehensive sex education, and reproductive rights build the foundation for holistic local policies that address the interrelated issues of health disparities, student achievement, economic security, and public safety.
“The people of Boston are counting on local leaders to prioritize public health and education initiatives that tackle the issues our communities face, including unintended teen pregnancy, high STD rates, and sexual assault. PPAF is proud to endorse a slate of strong allies who will work with community partners to protect the health, wellbeing, and basic rights of everyone.”
- Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, President of PPAF
Boston will hold preliminary elections for Districts 1, 2, 7, and 9 on September 26. PPAF did not endorse in the preliminary race for District 7 because several candidates have equally supportive positions. The general election will be held on November 7.
PPAF has also endorsed candidates in the Worcester and Springfield municipal races.