Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada Reacts to Supreme Court Opinion Overturning the Constitutional Right to Abortion
For Immediate Release: Aug. 17, 2022
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade and nearly 50 years of precedent
Reno, Nevada — Today, the Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of precedent and eliminated the constitutional right to abortion. This final decision comes 8 weeks after the leaked draft decision, and could lead to 26 states swiftly moving to ban or severely restrict abortion.
In Nevada, we’ve fought long and hard to ensure that protections for abortion care exist in our state, but the impacts of this decision are clear: by taking away our right to abortion, the Supreme Court has taken away the power to control our own bodies and personal decisions and has handed it over to politicians.
The consequences of this devastating decision will fall largely on people who already face the greatest barriers to health care access due to this country’s legacy of racism and discrimination, including Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities, people with low incomes, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, and people living in rural areas.
Statement from Lindsey Harmon, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada:
“By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has now officially given politicians permission to control what we do with our bodies. This dangerous and chilling decision will have devastating consequences across the country, and will ultimately force people to travel hundreds, sometimes thousands, of miles for care or go without care entirely. However, we want everyone to know that in Nevada, you can still seek an abortion today. And for those in states that may be losing access, Nevada will remain a safe haven for abortion care.
“That said, today’s decision is a call to action for supporters of abortion rights. Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada, our partners, and our supporters will never stop fighting for your rights. Nevada’s current protections for abortion access are due to the hard work and advocacy of our communities on the ground. Whether it's legislative advocacy, educating our communities, or working to ensure abortion rights champions represent Nevadans in every facet of government, we will not compromise on our right to our bodies, our dignity, and our freedom.”
Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada is a statewide non-partisan, 501 (c) 4 non-profit organization that advocates and educates on issues of reproductive health care, with special consideration for advancing equitable access to abortion in an effort to empower all Nevadans, no matter income, race, gender, sexuality or immigration status to maintain and expand access to quality health care.