Take Action
At Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada, one of our most valuable assets is our dedicated group of volunteers who provide expertise, compassion, and commitment that continues to inspire us every day.
Stay up to date with electoral actions, grassroots organizing, and volunteer information in your area by signing up to be a member.
Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada stands with the Black Lives Matter movement.
COVID-19 has laid bare the dire shortcomings of our country’s systems -- health care, the economy, housing, policing, and so much more. Let us be clear, these systems, which are built on centuries of white supremacist ideology and violence, are functioning the way they are supposed to.
It is up to us to dismantle and rebuild them in order to ensure that ALL Americans can have bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.
That means first acknowledging the harm Planned Parenthood has historically inflicted on communities of color. We have a long way to go but make no mistake, we are deeply involved and committed to righting these historical injustices and moving toward a future in which ALL peoples’ reproductive freedom is won.
Please join us in donating to, following, and becoming a member of Black-led organizations in Nevada which are deeply entrenched in racial justice work: Mass Liberation Project Nevada, Make It Work Nevada, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Las Vegas and Reno-Sparks.
Read Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Alexis McGill Johnson’s Statement.
Planned Parenthood volunteers serve in a wide range of capacities, including on the phone, at the Capitol, on campus, online, and in the community.
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Volunteers and activists have a variety of options when it comes to getting involved. One way effective way? Lobby Days! Check out what some of our activists had to say about a Feminist Roadshow Lobby Day.