In the wake of the violent assault on the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, our hearts go out to the victims and their families. We wish healing and comfort for the injured and grieving, and we give thanks for the first responders who protected and defended others in harm’s way.
We stand with Planned Parenthood and its continued commitment to providing care in a safe, supportive environment that millions of people rely on and trust. And we call for an end to the violence and polarization that grips our nation — asking for all to demonstrate the will and wisdom to overcome hatred with hope, fear with trust, and violence with compassion and courage.
And so we pray to Holy God, known by many names: Help us to respond with compassion for all affected by the violence in Colorado Springs; to break down the walls that separate us and that would deny respect and dignity to every human being in need of health care; to unite us in bonds of love; and to guide us through our sorrow and confusion so that we might remain strong in our resolve to accomplish your justice and peace on earth.Amen.
Tags: Colorado, Clergy, standwithpp