Last night, Arizona moved Donald Trump one step further from reality-TV host and fringe candidate, and one step closer to likely Republican nominee. Let's be clear: Trump is dangerous, inciting violence at his rallies and using ugly rhetoric targeting women and people of color in his speeches. And if elected, he would be an absolute disaster for women's health and rights.
How bad would things be if "The Donald" became the President?
Trump would "defund" Planned Parenthood, which he himself acknowledges would block "millions and millions" from seeing the doctors and nurses they trust.
He would ban abortion, nominate judges who would oppose Roe v. Wade, and take women's health backward.
He'd use abortion and birth control as litmus tests for the Supreme Court — saying justices need to be "pro-life" and support the Hobby Lobby decision that allows employers to deny health insurance coverage for birth control.
He also supports Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider any nominee President Obama sends up to replace Justice Scalia — hoping he'll be the next President to appoint a Supreme Court justice...and with so much at stake before the Court, that's something we simply cannot afford.
In other words, he's dangerous for people's health and rights in this country. He paints a frightening, exclusionary picture of America where people aren't safe or welcome, where people's access to reproductive health care is thrown by the wayside, and where communities of color are treated with contempt -- and voters need to hear the truth.
Tags: Abortion, Reproductive Rights, Republicans, GOP, Donald Trump