Wednesday, Planned Parenthood announced our plan to strengthen the Planned Parenthood clinical network of abortion care and push for proactive policies in light of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court.
As a result of that announcement comparisons have been made between access to abortion in a post-Roe world and the Underground Railroad. Let me be 100% clear: that is not Planned Parenthood’s position, and that is not a comparison that anyone should be making. It is wholly inappropriate, offensive, appropriating, and racist. It should not be used.
But equally important in the course of our launch, we made a huge mistake not to lift up the critical and fundamental role of the National Network of Abortion Funds, who have been experts in providing funding, transportation, childcare, and housing for almost three decades, and without nearly the support and visibility they deserve. As abortion access is coming under increasing attack, the members of the National Network of Abortion Funds (already the most comprehensive provider of this support), will play an even more essential role in navigating this landscape. This time absolutely calls for a dramatic infusion of resources for abortion funds as an equal part of the existing ecosystem so they can continue to support those seeking abortions in this country.
Abortion Funds have never received the prominence in the national conversation about abortion access, and often do not get the spotlight they deserve for their important work. Planned Parenthood apologizes for contributing to that further.
Planned Parenthood looks to the leadership and members of the National Network of Abortion Funds and other partner groups for the logistical support and strategy needed to ensure that everyone has access to the abortions they need. After all, they have been providing funding, transportation, and other coordinated supports to people seeking abortion for 25 years. There cannot be a conversation about the future of access to abortion in this country unless it includes the critical role of abortion funds.
In the end, we can only be successful as a movement by working together through our collective strengths. We are committed to working with the National Network of Abortion Funds, as well as other partner groups and independent abortion providers to make sure that access to abortion is possible no matter what.
If you’re interested in funding regional networks for abortion access (and you should be!) you can make that donation via