Carly Fiorina is lying, confirms maker of anti-abortion videos
For Immediate Release: Oct. 15, 2015
To: Interested Parties
From: Eric Ferrero, Vice President, Communications, Planned Parenthood Action Fund
For weeks, Carly Fiorina has been flat-out lying about videos involving Planned Parenthood. Today, David Daleiden (the man behind the video fraud Fiorina is invoking) admitted that not only has he faked footage in his videos, but that Fiorina is lying -- and that the video she is describing does not exist and has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood.
In an interview today with CNN, David Daleiden acknowledged that the video Carly Fiorina described does not exist. He admitted that the alreadydisputed video was deceptively edited to include a voice over. He also conceded this video had nothing to do with Planned Parenthood.
In the process of conceding that the video Fiorina described does not exist, he also admitted that one of his videos was faked. When asked about an image in one of his videos, Daleiden conceded that it was a stillbirth -- not an abortion and said the image was “used to illustrate” what a fetus looks like.
The facts are that David Daleiden and Carly Fiorina continue to build a web of lies in order to push their extreme, dangerous agenda.
The following is a statement issued from Eric Ferrero, Vice President for Communications at Planned Parenthood:
“Every day for the last two weeks, Carly Fiorina has lied about this video and lied about Planned Parenthood. Her scurrilous and outrageous claims about Planned Parenthood are completely untrue, which the anti-abortion extremist behind these videos has now confirmed. It’s been said that Carly Fiorina owes Planned Parenthood an apology. She owes an apology not to us, but to the millions of people who trust Planned Parenthood for high-quality, compassionate health care.”
To recap, Carly Fiorina flat-out lied about Planned Parenthood during the Republican presidential primary debate on September 16. She described, in vivid detail, a video that simply does not exist.
When every fact-checker called her out for lying, instead of admitting to it, Carly Fiorina doubled down and insisted she was telling the truth -- despite no evidence supporting her claims.
Her campaign then created a fake video in an attempt to support her lies.
Planned Parenthood has invited Fiorina to visit its health centers to learn the truth about what the organization actually does and meet the women who would be impacted by defunding Planned Parenthood, as she advocates. Fiorina has still not responded to multiple invitations and follow-up calls.