Fiorina Lies Again, Ignoring Felony Charges
For Immediate Release: Jan. 28, 2016
Washington, DC --- In tonight’s GOP undercard debate, Carly Fiorina, who is polling at two percent nationally, doubled down on her support for two indicted felons.
Back in September, Carly lied about a Planned Parenthood video that doesn’t exist. She was called out by every fact checker -- but instead of apologizing, she doubled down, leaning on a fake video created by her super PAC to make her case. She has made demonizing women seeking reproductive health care, as well as Planned Parenthood, a central focus of her campaign ever since. And she’s paying the price.
Statement from Eric Ferrero, Vice President of Communications for Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“At this point, Carly Fiorina is the only person in America who thinks that videos exist showing what she claims -- even the felony-indicted extremist who cooked up this fraud has said her story isn't real.“
Her poll numbers have been plummeting due to her continued lies, and just this week, Carly Fiorina’s campaign took another huge hit this week when David Daleiden was indicted on felony charges -- further exposing that her whole smear campaign against Planned Parenthood is built on lies. And in typical Carly fashion, when called out for lying, instead of apologizing, she doubled down and peddled factually debunked and wild claims about Planned Parenthood.
Despite what Carly Fiorina says, 14 national polls show overwhelming support for Planned Parenthood.
FACT: Carly Fiorina’s Continued Lies Have Cost Her in the Polls.