Groups Launch Six State “We Believe Survivors” Actions
For Immediate Release: Sept. 19, 2018
Survivors, Advocates Nationwide Believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Call on the Senate to Listen to Her
WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Know Your IX, United State of Women, and End Rape On Campus are launching a multi-state effort called “We Believe Survivors.” Survivors and advocates will gather locally to tell their senators to listen to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford — and to stop the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. The multi-state actions will take place before Monday, when Dr. Blasey Ford is invited to testify in front of the the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Women, advocates, and survivors of sexual violence are speaking up to say they believe Dr. Blasey Ford, and are sharing their own stories at events in six states this week with more to come: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Nevada, and West Virginia.
Statement of Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
When a survivor bravely shares the story of their assault, we believe and respect them. Survivors around the country are speaking up and taking action. As Dr. Blasey Ford has stood up with her accusations, so have sexual assault survivors across the country with their own stories. The Senate must listen to her serious and well-documented story and stop Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination — to let it move forward is to ignore and disrespect Dr. Blasey Ford. Every day, Planned Parenthood health centers are a go-to resource for those who have experienced sexual violence who need counseling, STI testing and treatment, and other health care services. Our providers are often listening ears when our patients have nowhere else to turn. Now, it is time for those in power to listen to women.
Statement of Jordan Brooks, Managing Director, United State of Women:
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford should not have had to sacrifice her anonymity, but she did, courageously, for the safety and security of everyone. Survivors need to be listened to and believed when they bravely share their stories, and we implore the Senate to treat Dr. Blasey Ford with the respect she deserves and immediately halt the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Survivors and allies around the country are taking action, and we at the United State of Women are proud to join with our partners to say that we believe survivors, we support survivors, and we believe Dr. Blasey Ford. Senators need to show their support for survivors and stop this nomination.
Statement of Sage Carson, Manager, Know Your IX:
If Kavanaugh is confirmed, a third of the male justices on the Supreme Court will have been credibly accused of violence against women. Those justices will also have final say over our rights for the rest of our lives. Dr. Blasey Ford sacrificed her safety and autonomy, and the Senate must take her story seriously. When survivors come forward, we must support them and believe them. Know Your IX is excited to take action with survivors across the country to stand with Dr. Blasey Ford and stop this nomination.
Statement of Jess Davidson, Interim Executive Director, End Rape on Campus:
Dr. Blasey Ford was denied her right to decide how and when to tell her own story. Now that she has bravely come forward, it is absolutely critical that we listen to and believe her. In the midst of the #MeToo movement, elected officials proclaimed the importance of believing and supporting survivors. On Monday, senators will have the opportunity to follow through on their words and actions and support and believe Dr. Blasey Ford. Brett Kavanaugh is being considered for a lifetime seat on the highest court in the land, where he’ll have the opportunity to decide many issues essential to survivors and women. We must take action to ensure that the Senate listens to our voices, which is why we will be joining with other survivors around the country to demand that the Senate reject Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Brett Kavanaugh has faced unprecedented unpopularity that has only gotten worse — especially among women. Before Dr. Ford’s allegations were revealed, nearly 1.5 million signatures had been submitted to the Senate calling on senators to reject Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. The more people learn about Kavanaugh, the less they like him. Americans know Kavanaugh is extreme and a threat to their most basic freedoms — a new CNN poll confirms that this is true, especially among women. Gallup has also reported a record-breaking lack of support for Trump’s nominee.
For more information about sexual violence and how to get support, go to:
Planned Parenthood Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit membership organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Action Fund engages in educational and electoral activity, including voter education, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy.
The United State of Women (USOW) is a national organization for any woman who sees that we need a different America for all women to survive and thrive -- and wants to work collectively to achieve it. USOW amplifies the work of organizations and individuals at the forefront of the fight for women’s equality, and provides tools, access and connections that help women see and step into their power to break down the barriers that hold women back.
Know Your IX (KYIX) is the leading youth-and-survivor-led campaign to end sexual violence in schools through educating college students about their civil rights, training and organizing with student activists, and advocating for policy change at the campus, state, and federal level. Learn more at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @knowyourIX.
End Rape on Campus (EROC) is a national survivor-led nonprofit dedicated to ending sexual violence on college campuses through survivor support, prevention through education, and policy advocacy. You can learn more at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @EndRapeOnCampus.