Hobby Lobby Digital Ads
For Immediate Release: July 16, 2014
New Ads Target Candidates Who Support Hobby Lobby Ruling
Digital Ads Feature Anti-Women’s Health Candidates in NC, CO, AK, IA, and TX
WASHINGTON, DC — In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision giving bosses a legal right to deny their employees access to insurance coverage of birth control without a copay, Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned Parenthood Votes have launched a series of digital ads in five states to educate voters about which candidates want to turn back the clock and believe that bosses should be able to deny their employees access to birth control. The ads target anti-women’s health candidates Thom Tillis in North Carolina, Cory Gardner in Colorado, Joni Ernst in Iowa, Dan Sullivan in Alaska and Greg Abbott in Texas.
You can view the ads here.
“The only thing that’s controversial about birth control is that we’re still fighting for access to it,” said Dawn Laguens, executive vice president, Planned Parenthood Votes. “We hear that every day from Planned Parenthood patients and our supporters across the country who feel like they’ve woken up in a bad episode of Mad Men, where the rights of male bosses are more important than those of their female employees.
“To women and their families, access to affordable birth control is basic preventive health care, and the Affordable Care Act’s birth control benefit is already making a huge financial and economic impact. That’s why it is unbelievable that in 2014, there are still candidates running against birth control — and they want to go even farther than the Supreme Court did, working to repeal the entire birth control benefit, and supporting so-called ‘personhood’ measures that could interfere with personal, private decisions about birth control and a whole host of other health care decisions, including a woman’s ability to access fertility treatment. Access to affordable birth control is part of economic success for women across the country — and we'll make sure women know where their candidates stand on it,”continued Laguens.
The ads are part of the Women are Watching campaign. You can learn more at womenarewatching.org.
More than 200,000 people have signed onto Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s Join the Dissent petition, sending a resounding message to lawmakers, employers, and the Supreme Court: our medical decisions belong to us, not our bosses.