For Immediate Release: Feb. 25, 2016
“Tonight, the Republican candidates’ disregard for women’s lives was frightening.”
Washington, DC – Tonight, the five remaining GOP candidates spent two and a half hours doubling down on policies that would harm most Americans — attacking women’s health care, going after immigrant communities, and vowing to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Donald Trump confirmed that he would “defund” Planned Parenthood — a move that by his own admission would block more than a million women from essential, lifesaving health care services. Trump also confirmed that he would use Hobby Lobby as a litmus test for any Supreme Court nominations — affirming that he supports the rights of bosses to deny their employees access to birth control.
Ted Cruz repeated his same lies about Planned Parenthood, continuously making the same pledge to continue a witch hunt against Planned Parenthood, in spite of the fact that Planned Parenthood has already been cleared of wrongdoing by 12 states and a grand jury.
Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“Tonight, the Republican candidates’ disregard for women’s lives was frightening.
“Donald Trump tonight pledged to ‘defund’ Planned Parenthood, and confirmed he supports Hobby Lobby, a decision that would allow women’s bosses to deny them insurance coverage for birth control. Ted Cruz vowed to continue his witch hunt against Planned Parenthood, risking health care for millions of women. And John Kasich just finished slashing health care for tens of thousands of women in Ohio.
“All of the candidates on stage tonight would ban abortion, block patients from turning to Planned Parenthood for essential health care services, and cut insurance coverage of birth control. The American people simply don’t want a president who will roll back decades of progress for women’s health and lives.”
14 national polls have shown widespread popular support for Planned Parenthood and the care it provides — and strong opposition to attempts to block patients from accessing care at the nonprofit health care provider.
Here are the facts: