Joe Heck Chased From Event By Planned Parenthood Votes
For Immediate Release: July 20, 2016
Las Vegas, NV – Today, Planned Parenthood Votes volunteers confronted Joe Heck — at the HIspanics Politics Breakfast where Heck was set to defend his endorsement of Donald Trump — about his votes to restrict women’s access to health care at Planned Parenthood health centers. Planned Parenthood Votes was joined by Battle Born Progress, AFL-CIO, NextGen, and PLAN. The event ended with Joe Heck sneaking out of the back of the breakfast, and being “chased” out by a group of protesters.
Joe Heck supports Donald Trump for president and he supports his policies on reproductive health care. Yesterday, Joe Heck said that he wants Trump to be president, but he doesn’t like how he talks about women and minorities. How can Joe Heck “have high hopes” that someone that disrespects women and minorities becomes President?
Photo Tweeted by @RalstonReports:
Planned Parenthood Votes volunteers were on hand to make sure Nevada voters know exactly where Joe Heck stands. They handed out “Wish You Were Here” postcards that were a play on Trump writing Toomey a postcard about missing him at the RNC in Cleveland (see below).
Quote from Raquel Cruz-Juarez, Senior Electoral Organizer:
“Even though Joe Heck did not join Donald Trump at the RNC, make no mistake — Joe Heck is just like Donald Trump. Trump would block block millions of people from accessing health care at Planned Parenthood. And Joe Heck has been legislating that agenda for years –– voting eight times to block patients from care at Planned Parenthood. Nevadan rejects this dangerous agenda, and we reject Joe Heck.”
“Like Trump, Heck is anti-immigrant. Joe Heck has voted to rip many Nevada families apart, including some of our volunteers here today, by voting against deportation relief for undocumented immigrants in Nevada.
“Like Trump, Heck is no stranger to race-baiting with his super PAC’s recent offensive radio ads implying that Latina women, like me, and Black women are not capable of making our own health care decisions. That’s why Planned Parenthood Votes is making sure all Nevadans know the real Joe Heck: someone who doesn’t respect Latinas or Black women.”
Planned Parenthood health centers provide essential reproductive health care to millions of people every year across the country. The majority of Americans want Planned Parenthood to be able to continue providing these necessary services.
Background: Joe Heck is dangerous for Nevada
Joe Heck has voted EIGHT times to block patients from care at Planned Parenthood.
Joe Heck called the deeply unpopularHobby Lobby Supreme Court decision – which gave bosses the ability to deny their employees birth control – a “reasonable decision”.
Joe Heck said that the ACA's birth control benefit, which has ensured that more than 55 million women have access to no-copay birth control, had "nothing to do" with women's health.
Joe Heck voted against considering the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would address the gender pay gap. In Nevada, Latinas make 52 cents and Black women make 65 cents for every dollar paid to men.
As a state Senator, Heck voted against funding for a rape crisis center and domestic violence prevention program. His campaign’s excuse was that he didn’t have time to read the bill.