Kelly Ayotte Doubles Down On Donald: “I’m Going To Be Voting For Him”
For Immediate Release: Aug. 16, 2016
Washington, DC –– Today, New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte had another opportunity to disavow Donald Trump and his dangerous policies. Did she? Nope.
AYOTTE: “I’ve actually said that I’m going to be voting for him.”
Polling shows that New Hampshire voters are less likely to vote for Kelly Ayotte because she supports Trump. So why does Kelly Ayotte continue to support Donald Trump? It’s because Kelly Ayotte and Donald Trump have a lot in common –– especially when it comes to denying women access to health care.
Background: Here’s the unpopular, dangerous Trump-Pence agenda Kelly Ayotte is voting for.
Donald Trump has promised to appoint judges to the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade. He released a list of potential Supreme Court nominees, many of whom have a record of failing to protect women’s access to reproductive health care. [New York Times, 5/19/16]
Kelly Ayotte is holding up a Supreme Court nomination in hopes that Donald Trump will become our next president and do just that — even though an overwhelming majority of voters in New Hampshire believe that the Supreme Court vacancy should be filled this year.
Donald Trump would defund Planned Parenthood and block millions of Americans from access to birth control, cancer screening, and STI testing and treatment. Kelly Ayotte has voted six times in the Senate to do the same — even though 66 percent of New Hampshire voters oppose blocking patients from accessing Planned Parenthood’s preventive health services, including 72 percent of Independents.
Senator Ayotte and Donald Trump are one and the same when it comes to overturning Roe v. Wade and blocking access to family planning, cancer screenings, and STI tests at Planned Parenthood:
Kelly Ayotte: “I certainly think that Roe should be overturned.” [YouTube, 8/9/10, NH Dems,uploaded 1/20/16]
Donald Trump said Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided “but it can be changed.” [The Brody File, 2/18/16]
Trump: “I’m for defunding Planned Parenthood, very strongly … I’m totally for defunding. We shouldn’t be giving to Planned Parenthood.” [Rewire, 11/20/15]
On CNN’s State of the Union, Trump told Jake Tapper that being anti-abortion would be a litmus test for SCOTUS nominees:
TAPPER: How important is [being anti-abortion] to you now when President Trump picks Supreme Court justices? Would that be a litmus test?
TRUMP: It is. It is.
Trump said the best way to ban abortion is “by electing me president”: “Asked on Fox News what one thing he would do to ‘protect the sanctity of life,’ Trump told host Bill O’Reilly, ‘I will protect it, and the biggest way you can protect it is through the Supreme Court and putting people on the court. Actually, the biggest way you can protect it, I guess, is by electing me president.’” [Huffington Post,5/11/16]