Less than 3 Days into 114th Congress, Extreme Politicians Push Legislation to Move Women’s Health Access Backwards
For Immediate Release: Jan. 8, 2015
WASHINGTON – Ignoring calls from their own party leadership and the American people for the 114th Congress to focus on policies to move our country forward rather than backwards, extreme politicians in the House and Senate have already introduced several measures that would restrict women’s health across the country, and even a measure introduced by Senator David Vitter to cut women off from basic preventive health care like birth control at Planned Parenthood health centers.
Following is a statement from Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“The public wants Congress to protect women’s health, not interfere in women’s personal medical decisions – which means making sure all forms of birth control are affordable, women can get preventive care at Planned Parenthood and other trusted providers, and abortion remains safe and legal. As a country, we’ve made tremendous progress in reducing teen pregnancy and expanding opportunity for women through access to reproductive health care. We need to keep moving forward on women’s health, not go backward.
“Congress has only been back for a couple of days, and already some politicians are trying to take women backwards and restricting their access to the health care that helps them and their families succeed. At Planned Parenthood Action Fund, our top priority is making sure that every woman, no matter where she lives, can make her own personal, private health care decisions without interference from politicians. We’ll continue to fight these attacks on women’s health wherever they arise – in state capitols, in court, and in Congress.”