Mike Pence Failed At the VP Debate Tonight
For Immediate Release: Oct. 5, 2016
Pence Made Clear He Doesn’t Trust Women, And Women Can’t Trust Mike Pence and Donald Trump
Washington, DC –– In tonight’s vice-presidential debate, Governor Mike Pence underscored his lifelong commitment to criminalize abortion in this country, while failing over and over again to defend Donald Trump’s sexist, racist, and hateful campaign.
Quote from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“Mike Pence had one job tonight: defend Donald Trump. He couldn’t do it because Donald Trump — and his sexism, his racism, his xenophobia, and his hate — is simply indefensible. It’s clear Mike Pence and Donald Trump don’t trust women, and that’s why women can’t trust them. Mike Pence failed tonight, and he and Trump will fail on Election Day because America is better than their bigotry.”
Fact Checks from the Vice Presidential Debate Tonight:
PPAF FACT CHECK: Note to Mike Pence: Implicit Bias Exists
PPAF FACT CHECK: Pence Said Defunding Planned Parenthood Best Way to Fix Economy