NEW POLL: Alaska Voters Want Sen. Murkowski to Reject Kavanaugh — And Will Remember Her Vote in November
For Immediate Release: Aug. 31, 2018 (Updated: Aug. 31, 2018, noon)
More than 70% of Alaskan voters do not want the Supreme Court to restrict women’s constitutional rights, including abortion
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing approaches next week, a new survey conducted by Clarity Campaign Labs on behalf of Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Protect Our Care shows that voters in Alaska want Sen. Lisa Murkowski to reject Kavanaugh and stand up for health care protections and women’s constitutional rights, including abortion.
- Alaska voters strongly support current ACA protections, which prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, or pregnancy. In fact, nearly eight in 10 voters (78 percent) believe the Supreme Court should keep those protections in place.
- Seventy-one percent do not want to see the Supreme Court restrict women’s constitutional rights, and 45 percent of Alaska voters believe the right to have an abortion is at risk.
- Alaskans made clear they will hold Sen. Murkowski accountable for her vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Forty-five percent would view Sen. Murkowski less favorably if she voted for an anti-ACA nominee by a 29 percent margin. By 33 points, voters would view Sen. Murkowski less favorably if she voted for an anti-Roe nominee (49 percent compared to 16 percent).
- Almost twice as many voters would be less likely to vote for Sen. Murkowski if she voted to confirm Judge Kavanaugh (41 percent less likely compared to 22 percent more likely).
- Fifty-five percent of Alaska voters said they would be very or somewhat likely to contact their U.S. senators regarding Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination.
Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President of Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
Poll after poll confirms what we already know: Americans want the Supreme Court to protect women’s constitutional rights, including abortion, and Alaskans are no different. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, he would turn the balance of the court against both safe, legal abortion and vital health care protections. We’re hearing from people every day, including our supporters in Alaska, who are worried about losing these constitutional rights and access to care. Sen. Murkowski must continue to stand strong for Alaskans and for all of our health and rights.
Statement from Leslie Dach, campaign chair of Protect Our Care:
As this poll shows, Alaskans do not want protections for the more than 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions taken away from them by the Supreme Court, and they want Senator Lisa Murkowski to vote 'no' on Kavanaugh's nomination. Senator Murkowski has claimed a commitment to health care, and this nomination may be the truest test of where she actually stands yet.
The full polling memo can be read here.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit membership organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Action Fund engages in educational and electoral activity, including voter education, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy.