For Immediate Release: May 11, 2012
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund launched its get-out-the-vote (GOTV) election drive, the final phase of the One Million Strong Campaign to sign up, educate, and mobilize one million pro-choice, pro-women’s health voters in this election. Over the next four days, volunteers across the country will take to the streets and phones to ensure that these one million voters cast their ballots on November 4, 2008.
“Over the last 12 months, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund has reached out to women voters across the country to educate them about women’s health issues and the stark differences between the candidates,” said Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “This Election Day, the One Million Strong Campaign will turn out one million pro-choice, pro-women’s health voters in support of Barack Obama and pro-women’s health candidates across the country."
One of the nation’s most trusted women’s health messengers, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund has carried out a multipronged voter contact effort to let undecided women voters know just how out of touch John McCain is when it comes to women’s health and that Barack Obama is a champion of women’s health.
Women voters will be key to choosing the next president, which is why the Action Fund is making sure they learn about John McCain’s zero rating from Planned Parenthood and the fact that he voted against women’s health 125 times during his 25 years in Congress.
The Planned Parenthood Action Fund and local action organizations will have aggressive GOTV efforts in Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Additionally, the final mailer in the Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s six-piece mail program will be a GOTV mailer, reminding people to vote and highlighting Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Barack Obama and his long-standing record of support for women’s health issues.
On Election Day, the One Million Strong Campaign will send a clear message: women’s health matters.