Planned Parenthood Action Fund on the Importance of Women’s Health and Rights, Including Safe, Legal Abortion
For Immediate Release: Aug. 2, 2017
Washington, DC – Planned Parenthood Action Fund joined a number of other progressive groups in issuing a “statement of principles” making clear that economics, race, and opportunity are all inextricably linked to reproductive health and the ability to decide if and when to have children.
Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President of Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
Women’s health and rights are non-negotiable – and that includes access to safe, legal abortion. Planned Parenthood Action Fund will continue to hold any politician who says otherwise accountable.
“A lesson for politicians left, right and center: Supporting women’s health isn’t divisive, it’s mainstream. Seven out of every ten Americans believe women should have access to safe, legal abortion – that’s more popular than the Republican party or the Democratic party. The way to win over widespread support is to lift up women’s health and rights, not throw them under the bus. It’s past due that politicians realize trading away women’s health and rights will only serve to alienate one of the most powerful political forces in this country.
“Access to safe, legal abortion is central to women’s economic empowerment and bodily autonomy. Women cannot control their own futures if they cannot decide when and whether to become parents.
“We will never be able to move our country forward if we are leaving women behind. That’s why four million marched in January – and continue to show up across the country.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit membership organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Action Fund engages in educational and electoral activity, including voter education, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy.